Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Jack Shanks

I realize I fly into the face of sentimental, mushy religion when I ask the question, "Does God love you?" We are interested in TRUTH, not sentimentality. The truth is, God does not love everyone.
Had Noah put a sign on the ark that read, "Smile, God loves you," it would have been utmost cruelty. Those who perished in the water would have said, "If God loves us, he has a very strange way of showing it." The Word of God says plainly that God hates some people (Ps.5:5;7:11; Rom.9:13). Preachers need to quit lying to sinners. Is your preacher a liar?
God does love all who are in Christ. If you trust the Lord Jesus Christ, if you are washed in His blood, God loves you. God's love for His chosen ones is eternal, immutable love. "We love him because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19). If you now trust Christ as Lord and Savior, it is because He loved you in eternity past. If you do not trust and love the Lord Jesus Christ, you have no reason to imagine that God loves you. You are under the wrath of God (John 3:36). If you are angry as you read these words, it shows clearly where you stand. God hates you.
Now we present such a God that men might realize that He is not at their beck and call, but they are under HIS absolute dominion. All of us are His subjects, we live in His world, we eat His food, and partake of all His goodness. If you do not trust the blessed Savior, I believe you must become a beggar at the back door of His mercy, for He "hath mercy on whom he will have mercy." (Rom. 9:15).

Jack Shanks, PastorLaird Street Baptist ChurchNew Caney, TX.

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